Robert Standish, an exceptional painter, immerses himself in the realm of transcendent expressionism, where abstractions serve as gateways to profound emotions, awe-inspiring moments, and captivating depths. Guided by the principles of organic rhythm, flowing motion, sublimated patterns, vibrant hues, and luxurious textures, Standish’s brushstrokes, executed with thick layers of paint, become conduits that honor, replicate, and expand upon the enigmatic forces that shape our universe. Departing from his previous photorealist style, Standish now seeks to establish a direct connection with life’s events and encounters, rather than merely capturing their effects. His quest revolves around accessing a meta-language of pure gesture and color, which in turn enriches the realms of our inner landscapes.

A Childhood Revelation

The journey of Robert Standish as an artist traces back to a significant moment in his childhood. It was during his time in kindergarten when he and his peers were given the opportunity to paint on a large easel. As Standish’s mother arrived to pick him up, she was accustomed to hearing less-than-satisfactory reports from his teacher. However, on that particular day, the teacher led her to Standish’s painting and, with a beaming smile, said, “Look at what Robby painted.” It was in that moment that Standish realized his calling.

Transcendence in Art

When questioned about the essence of his work, Standish offers a succinct response: transcendence. His art aims to transcend the boundaries of conventional perception, inviting viewers to embark on a transformative journey.

Life Beyond the Canvas

If Standish were not an artist, he humorously muses that he would be relentlessly pursuing the path of becoming one. The innate passion and drive within him leave no room for alternative paths. As for his decision to live and work in Los Angeles, Standish finds solace in the familiarity of his birthplace. While he has lived in various locations, Los Angeles always beckons him back with its comforting sense of home. Moreover, the abundant natural light and favorable weather conditions of the city provide an ideal environment for his artistic endeavors. Standish also mentions, with a touch of lightheartedness, that being a lover of tacos, Los Angeles boasts a reputation as one of the top five cities in the United States for this culinary delight.

Exhibitions and Artistic Evolution

Reflecting on his artistic journey, Standish recalls his first exhibition in 1998 at Gallery 825 in Los Angeles. At that time, his focus revolved around photorealistic paintings, showcasing his technical prowess and attention to detail. Standish’s solo exhibitions are currently on view in New York City, San Francisco, and, starting on November 18, Costa Mesa. All of these solo exhibitions are presented by Martin Lawrence Galleries. These exhibitions give art lovers a chance to get lost in Standish’s alluring transcendent expressionism universe.

Collaborations and Admiration

When asked about the artists, both living and deceased, with whom he would most like to collaborate or exhibit, Standish finds it challenging to select just one. Grateful for the opportunities he has had, Standish has already shared the artistic space with renowned figures such as Haring, Richter, Basquiat, Murakami, Picasso, and Sam Francis. Among the artists he has yet to collaborate with, Standish mentions his admiration for Tom Wesselman and Joan Mitchell, whose artistic vision resonates deeply with him.